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Steering Aids

Steering Aids

Designed to aid one handed steering, this adaptation also assists drivers with limited arm or shoulder strength and reduces the force required to steer. Steering aids can be used independently or in conjunction with hand controls or a left foot accelerator.

Ball Steering Aid

There are four steering aid options: fixed steering ball, quick release steering ball, quick release steering peg and quick release tetra grip. The most commonly used steering aid is the steering ball but any option can be chosen depending on driver preference.

Steering Ball (Fixed or Quick Release)

The most commonly used steering aid, the steering ball is grasped from the front using a partially clenched hand. Available in fixed or quick release versions.

Steering Aid Ball

Steering Peg (Quick Release)

The steering peg is gripped from the side using a partially clenched hand. Available as quick release only.

Steering Aid Peg

Steering Tetra-grip (Quick Release)

The tetra grip is controlled by placing the wrist between two adjustable supports and placing the fingers around the peg. Available as quick release only.

Steering Aid Terta Grip
Steering Aid Ball
Steering Ball (Fixed)
Steering Aid Ball
Steering Ball (Quick Release)
Steering Aid Peg
Steering Peg (Quick Release)
Steering Aid Tetra Grip
Steering Tetra-grip (Quick Release)

To see a product demonstration, please watch our YouTube video.

You can download the information about our steering aids via our product sheet.

Quick-release Operation

The quick release mechanism is operated by pushing in the pin at the back of the clamp and sliding out the grip.

The clamp stays in place on the wheel but it allows for the protruding grip to be removed. This is especially preferable if there are multiple drivers of the same vehicle, some who use the steering aid, and some who do not.

It is important that when inserting the ball, peg or tetra grip back in to the quick release clamp that you press the pin in again to ensure full engagement.

Steering Aid quick-release

Fitting Guidance

You may choose the position of the steering aid to suit your requirements although there may be some restrictions depending on the shape and design of the steering wheel on the vehicle you choose. The steering aid would not be able to be fitted inline with any spokes or protruding hand grips.

If the steering aid is being used independently it is usually fitted on the users stronger side. The steering aid may also be used in conjunction with hand controls. In this case, it will generally be fitted on the opposite side to the hand controls. Hand controls are ordinarily fitted for right hand use, therefore the steering aid would be operated with the left hand.

The most common place for a steering aid to be fitted is on the upper part of the steering wheel. This is because the starting motion when turning will generally be down and around rather than pushing upwards. Many drivers find that having the upwards motion at the beginning of the turn can put more strain on their arm and shoulder, especially when driving around town.

Please ensure you inform your installer before they carry out the work if you have a specified position for the steering aid to be fitted.

Steering Aids FAQs

Q: Can I have the steering aid fitted to any vehicle or is my choice limited?

A: Steering aids will fit on most* steering wheels however, there are some manufacturers that have different shaped steering wheels which may limit where on the steering wheel the steering aid will fit. *There are some much older vehicles with wooden steering wheels which cannot have steering aids fitted.

Q: What are the main benefits of the steering aid being quick release?

A: The steering aid being quick release allows someone who does not need to use a steering aid to drive the vehicle as standard, by simply removing the protruding section of the steering aid and stowing away securely.

Q: Will the steering aid damage the steering wheel when it has been fitted?

A: Safety is our primary concern when we design adaptations, however we pay great attention to the integrity of the vehicle. The steering aid does have to be clamped to the steering wheel securely however any damage is kept to a minimum, ensuring an aesthetically pleasing result and minimum cost to reinstate the vehicle when adaptations are removed. On removal of the steering aid, an indent can be left on the wheel however this will generally come out over time.
“Thank you for the excellent and speedy service supplying the steering wheel knob. I would not hesitate in using your company for any modifications I may require in the future.”
Mr Forrest, Macclesfield

The following products are often ordered alongside our transfer plate adaptation.